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KCOM – Road Sweeping – Thursday 9th July 2020

KCOM will be in the village sweeping the roads on Thursday, 9th July 2020. Please keep a look out and if you can move any cars out of the way the sweep will be more effective.

Parish Council Vacancy

The Parish Council may fill the vacancy by co-option: If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor to represent Nafferton please apply to: The Clerk Mrs. M. A. Tyler Breezy Cottage, Kelk, Driffield YO25 8HN by 17.7.20 —————————-

Parish Council Meeting 7th July 2020 – Via Zoom

The Parish Council will be holding a meeting at 7pm on 7th July via Zoom. Anybody who wishes to join this meeting can request the meeting details by emailing the Chair of the Parish Council on

Update of the position of the Parish Council in relation to ongoing Coronavirus situation

Hello all. This is an update of the current position of the Parish Council in relation to ongoing situation of Coronavirus. ERYC have today advised us (the PC) that we should hold a meeting as soon as possible to transition all duties and powers over to the chair(s) and clerk. After which the PC will…
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1. There is vacancy on the Nafferton Parish Council caused by resignation 2. A by-election to fill the vacancies will be held if by 25 February 2020 – 10 electors for the parish give notice in writing to the Chief Executive of The East Riding of Yorkshire Council at County Hall, Beverley, Yorkshire HU17 9BA…
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Vacancy for provision of services in Nafferton

A vacancy has occurred due to retirement at Nafferton Parish Council for the provision of services in the village of Nafferton The successful applicant shall provide services as specified below: • Grass cutting • Grounds maintenance • Summer watering of planters and flower beds • Winter de-icing/gritting of allocated roads and footpaths • Services reasonably…
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Allotments at The Recreation Ground will be available to let from 1st January 2020 Application forms available from or The Parish Clerk Completed application forms to be received by the Clerk by 30th November 2019 Priority will be given to Nafferton residents.

Nafferton Village Remembrance Day Commemorations

As usual we will be commemorating Remembrance Sunday in the Village , this year it will be on Sunday 10 th November. The Exhortation and the Kohima Epitaph will take place at the War Memorial followed by a Remembrance Service in the Methodist Church. Roads will be closed from 10.45am to 11.15am. Middle Street from…
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Temporary Road Closure of Nethergate 5th August 2019

Please see the attached notice and plan for further details. Nethergate Temporary Road Closure_Notice Nethergate Temporary Road Closure_Plan